Friday, January 7, 2011

What's all the Buzz about Argan Oil?

Maybe you've heard about Argan Oil lately, or read about in a fashion magazine?  It seems that everyone is talking about it, but what's all the buzz about anyway? A bestseller in France, the legendary lightweight Argan Oil is taking the place of slick serums and goopy creams as a daily moisturizer, on cuticles and to smooth hair. Read more interesting facts about Argan oil below.

Old as the Olive Tree but Better for You!
Argan trees live 150-200 years and require no cultivation. They contain 80% unsaturated fatty acids and 3x's the antioxidant power found in Olive oil. For thousands of years, Argan oil has been used as protection from the harsh climate of the Moroccan desert. It has been found effective and beneficial for the following:
Heals various skin disorders such as chicken pox scars.  
Preventing stretch marks in pregnant women
Excellent for hair and nails.

The Argan Tree Only Grows in Two Places in the World
Argania spinosa can only be found in the harsh semi-desert area of Southwestern Morocco and the western Mediterranean region of Algeria. This region is protected by UNESCO as the Arganerie Biosphere Reserve. Of primary conservation interest is the Argan tree (Argania spinosa).  This forest species is extremely well adapted to drought and other environmentally difficult conditions. The roots of the Argan tree grow deep, binding soil and preventing erosion, making it an essential part of the local ecosystem. The Argan tree is not only the focus for conservation, but also for research and socio-economic development. 

Argan Oil: A Daily Essential

With exceptionally high levels of essential fatty acids, including linoleic acid (omega-6), Argan oil protects and repairs skin. Research points to linoleic acid's anti-inflammatory, acne reductive, and moisture retentive properties. When applied topically to the skin it can help prevent or delay wrinkling, making skin more toned and supple.

Argan + E: Neutralizing Free Radicals
The high levels of essential fatty acids in Argan oil are further complimented by very high levels of Vitamin E. Vitamin E has moisturizing and healing properties and is one of the most powerful biological anti-oxidants in neutralizing free radicals. The high levels of vitamin E and essential fatty acids, are some of what make this oil an effective skin treatment. Vitamin E also protects cell membranes from oxidation, slowing the skin's ageing process.

Is that a Herd of Goats in that Tree? 
Goats just love the fruit of the Argan tree. They climb up to 25-30 feet to the tops of these trees just for a taste of the ripe fruit.

For more on Argan Oil and some favorite uses visit:

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