Monday, June 11, 2012

8 Skin Care Survival Tips

Last post discussed the importance of caring for our entire body, in order to keep our skin looking and feeling great.  Skin Care = Self Care

Well, if you're feeling at a loss for how to do that, here are some tips. Likely you learned some of these from your mother or your grandmother, but as they hold great truth, I think they bear repeating. 

8 Skin Care Survival Tips (aka Stuff My Mom Said):

1. Go to bed!
You know you should, but you don't.  Adults require 7-9 hours of sleep a night.  Get to bed and stay there! Your body and mind will thank you. Oh, and it isn't called "Beauty Rest" for nothin'!

2. Eat Your Fruits & Veggies
Because their good for you yes! And because the antioxidants, vitamins and minerals can help reverse the effects of your stressful 21st Century lifestyle.  You remember Popeye right? Well, he didn't get so strong from eating hamburgers ; ) 

3. Don't touch THAT! Don't eat THAT!
If you don't know what the heck it is, can't pronounce it, or it didn't exist 30 years ago DON'T PUT IT ON YOUR SKIN! And certainly, DON'T EAT IT! When it comes to putting things in and on your body choose organic and natural whenever possible. Natural & organic skincare can be simple, potent and luxurious.  Avoid voluntarily introducing toxicity into your body at all costs.   

4. Go Outside and Play!
That's right - go outside and play! Get plenty of fresh air and exercise and yes, even sunshine.  Oxygenate your blood with a brisk walk, go for a run or swing on the swings, make a little Vitamin D while your at it, and sweat away those toxins.  Exercise & fun can be as restorative as sleep. 

5. Cover up!
Remember, while you're out there having fun, be sure to protect yourself from over-exposure to UV-A & UV-B rays.  If your out more that 10 mins (and you should be!) you'll need a dual spectrum sunscreen.  We recommend one w/out a ton of toxic chemicals - check out the newest options in mineral sunscreens and organic options. 

6. Wash up before bed. 
Yes, yes Mom made you wash your face and brush your teeth before bed, and we think she was on to something.  Building in a skincare routine at night can be the best time - skin that is adequately cleansed and moisturized before bedtime can reap the benefits of rest and repair while you catch up on your Zzzzz's. You'll wake with refreshed, renewed skin and will have a more streamlined morning routine.  If you don't have time in the morning, make the time at night before sleeping. 

7. Everything in Moderation!
So maybe you're enjoying your mini-spa facials in the evening now - just be careful not to load up on too many products.  You want to calm and soothe your skin, not suffocate it.  Find a simple cleanser and moisturizer that works for you and use a scrub every few days - no need to pile on loads of creams on top of serums.  We love organic skincare oils because they absorb directly into skin without leaving a weighty residue - think of them as vitamins for your skin.  Keep it simple - your skin will thank you. 

8. Stay Hydrated.
Do you drink at least 2 Liters of water a day? No? Well you should, and if your drinking caffeinated beverages, you should be adding another 8 oz. of water for each caffeinated beverage. The human body is approximately 50-60% water and loses on average 2.5 L a day in the normal activities of daily life.  We need water to function well - that includes your skin! Get one of those fancy water bottles and start drinking water! [In truth, Mom didn't really say this one, but since I learned it along the way, I thought it was worth including]. 

So there you have it!  Take care of yourself and you'll end up taking care of your skin too! And yes, you should go ahead and tell Mom she was right....even after all these years.  

For more on Organic Skincare Oils and how to use them visit:


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