Thursday, December 23, 2010

Wise Men. Wise Values

Christmas is coming in two days and it's got me thinking...

"What's really important? What do I value?"

You’ve likely heard of The Three Wise Men or Magi and their precious gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh, but have you ever wondered about these gifts? As we move to 2011, frankincense and myrrh are likely not on your Christmas list but  what made them so valuable in ancient times? Why frankincense? And what exactly is myrrh? 

Turns out these resins and their essential oils were priceless medicines, worth their weight in gold to the Egyptians and Greeks, and were used to treat everything from skin disorders to viral infections, from cancer to depression and more.  For thousands of years, practitioners of traditional medicine have valued frankincense and myrrh for their potent healing properties.  

Myrrh and frankincense are closely related species of balsams, Commiphora myrrha (myrrh) and Boswellia carteri (frankincense), which originate in Africa and the Middle East. The resin is harvested from the small, knotted trees and essential oil can be distilled from the resin.

The Greeks considered myrrh a sacred substance and those who could afford the resin used it as incense and to treat virtually every illness. The Greeks began using myrrh to replace living sacrifices in the 3rd century AD.  

Both frankincense and myrrh have a long history of use in Traditional Chinese Medicine, African healing, and Indian Ayurvedic practices too. 

A Wealth of Good Health. Naturally. 

In the 21st Century, healing oils may not always be our go-to cure for what ails us -  we have the benefits of modern medicine after all.  But what if we took a tip from these three wise men?

For thousands of years, people have looked to the gifts of nature to provide support and healing physically, spiritually, and even economically. Maybe we could all learn a lesson from the wise men and turn our values to nature, recognizing the great gifts it provides. 

Simple, natural, and pure. This is what I value most this year.  What do you value most?

Learn more about other healing oils and their benefits.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The New Power Trio: Argan, Rose Hip & Evening Primrose Oil

Last post we looked at the benefits of supplements for our skin and which vitamins and nutrients were the most important.  The choices of skin care products today are endless, so how do we ensure ourselves that what we're putting on our skin will work and more importantly, won't irritate.

If you're sensitive, or have simply tried everything with little results...maybe it's time to go back to basics.

Looking for powerful, pure benefits for your skin?  Want to skip the fillers, chemicals and non-essentials?

If you're longing for pure & potent ingredients to save your skin, then natural & organic oils might be a good option for your skin care regimen. Here are three oils that pack a punch! They are effective, non-greasy, absorb quickly and offer results.

Argan Oil: A Daily Essential
Argan oil contains 80% unsaturated fatty acids and 3x's the antioxidant power found in Olive oil.

With exceptionally high levels of essential fatty acids, including linoleic acid (omega-6), Argan oil protects and repairs skin. Research points to linoleic acid's anti-inflammatory, acne reductive, and moisture retentive properties. When applied topically to the skin it can help prevent or delay wrinkling, making skin more toned and supple. Argan oil's benefits are further complimented by very high levels of Vitamin E.

Rose Hip Oil: A One, Two Punch
1. Rose Hip oil contains exceptionally high concentrations of Vitamin A, which helps to delay the effects of skin aging, assists with cell regeneration, and promotes collagen and elastin levels to increase.  This results in firmer, smoother, and more youthful skin with greater elasticity.

2. Rose Hip oil also contains high amounts of essential fatty acids, especially linoleic (Omega-6) and alpha-linolenic acids (Omega-3), which are important skin nutrients. Omega-3s, are the most important here, as they are more difficult to get in our diet and essential to cell function, immune support and fighting disease.

Rose Hip contains 35% Omega-3 & 46% Omega-6! It's potent, powerful and healing.

Evening Primrose Oil: A Triple Threat
Evening Primrose oil contains some of the highest concentrations of GLA (gamma linoleic acid) - a whopping 71%! This essential fatty acid is known for it's anti-inflammatory properties and is essential for collagen synthesis.  It has been used to treat inflammation from rheumatoid arthritis, pms, and is a good choice for treatment of skin conditions like rosacea and eczema.

So as the winter days grow colder, remember that there is help for your dry, irritated skin. Natural and organic oils just might save the day!

Visit: to read what other people say about these oils...

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Soothing Supplements for Your Skin

Couldn't we all use a little "extra help" every now and then.  Especially as winter officially arrives today, and we are hunkered down for then next few months enjoying (and managing) the busy buzz of the holidays and the chill of blustery days.  And so could our skin....

You know what I mean - the chapped hands and lips, the uneven complexion that longs for warm breezes and sunshine.  And feet...what are those in the winter time?  I barely see mine these days as they are always tucked away in warm socks and boots.  

We could all benefit from some supplemental help in the winter.  Flu and cold season is among us too and no doubt you are taking precautions to protect yourself  - plenty of rest, healthy eating, exercise.  And maybe you're taking your vitamins too?

Well, it turns out that you might be doing yourself and your skin a big favor by paying a little attention to the vitamins and supplements you're putting in...or On...your body.

Which Supplements are Best for Skin?
According to new info from the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), the following vitamins and antioxidants nourish you, even if you apply them directly to your skin! 

Your skin is an excellent delivery system for vitamins and minerals. It's effective enough that the US government is developing a skin patch that soldiers can wear to supplement their diets. So vitamins for healthy skin can be applied topically and will be absorbed by the body. And...The most effective products contain natural oils that can penetrate many layers of skin giving you a firm and creamy complexion.

Vitamin C & E
Vitamin C and E help by reducing the damage caused by free radicals, a harmful byproduct of sunlight, smoke, and pollution. Free radicals gobble up collagen and elastin, the fibers that support skin structure, causing wrinkles and other signs of aging. When these two vitamins are combined in a lotion, they can be highly protective against sun damage, says the AAD.

Topical Vitamin A 
Vitamin A applied directly to the skin can make a great difference. Medical studies show a reduction in lines and wrinkles, good acne control, and some psoriasis relief, all from using creams containing this nutrient. Researchers from France showed that topically applied a "reversal of skin alterations induced by chronologic aging and photoaging."

Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs)
If your skin is dry, prone to inflammation, and frequently dotted with white heads and black heads, you may be lacking essential fatty acids, nutrients that are crucial to the production of skin's natural oil barrier.  Without an adequate supply of EFAs, the skin produces a more irritating form of sebum, or oil, which can result in problems. 

Natural & Organic Oils: Effective Sources of Vitamin A, E and Essential Fatty Acids
Ok, so now that you're armed with info about which supplements work best to support your skin, you have some choices to make.  How will you use these supplements and which products will you get them from?

Antioxidants abound in skin care these days, but how can you know if your getting enough and if they are really effective? According to dermatologists, over-the-counter topical formulas only contain low concentrations of antioxidants and they often don't successfully absorb into the skin.

If you're looking for pure & potent ingredients to save your skin, then natural & organic oils might be a good addition to your skin care regimen.  Oils like Argan, Rose Hip, Evening Primrose, Almond and Hazelnut contain high concentrations of Essential Fatty Acids and vitamins like E & A.  They are easily absorbed and don't contain harsh chemicals or unnecessary ingredients. 

As the winter days grow colder, remember that a little "extra help" can go a long way for your health and well-being. Natural and organic oils might be the most powerful supplements you can find for your skin...give them a try - we think you won't be disappointed. 

Visit: for more info on how to use skin care oils.