Thursday, December 23, 2010

Wise Men. Wise Values

Christmas is coming in two days and it's got me thinking...

"What's really important? What do I value?"

You’ve likely heard of The Three Wise Men or Magi and their precious gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh, but have you ever wondered about these gifts? As we move to 2011, frankincense and myrrh are likely not on your Christmas list but  what made them so valuable in ancient times? Why frankincense? And what exactly is myrrh? 

Turns out these resins and their essential oils were priceless medicines, worth their weight in gold to the Egyptians and Greeks, and were used to treat everything from skin disorders to viral infections, from cancer to depression and more.  For thousands of years, practitioners of traditional medicine have valued frankincense and myrrh for their potent healing properties.  

Myrrh and frankincense are closely related species of balsams, Commiphora myrrha (myrrh) and Boswellia carteri (frankincense), which originate in Africa and the Middle East. The resin is harvested from the small, knotted trees and essential oil can be distilled from the resin.

The Greeks considered myrrh a sacred substance and those who could afford the resin used it as incense and to treat virtually every illness. The Greeks began using myrrh to replace living sacrifices in the 3rd century AD.  

Both frankincense and myrrh have a long history of use in Traditional Chinese Medicine, African healing, and Indian Ayurvedic practices too. 

A Wealth of Good Health. Naturally. 

In the 21st Century, healing oils may not always be our go-to cure for what ails us -  we have the benefits of modern medicine after all.  But what if we took a tip from these three wise men?

For thousands of years, people have looked to the gifts of nature to provide support and healing physically, spiritually, and even economically. Maybe we could all learn a lesson from the wise men and turn our values to nature, recognizing the great gifts it provides. 

Simple, natural, and pure. This is what I value most this year.  What do you value most?

Learn more about other healing oils and their benefits.

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