Monday, February 21, 2011

Is Acne Prone Skin Driving you NUTS!?

Breakouts are never fun, especially when they are seemingly endless.  Maybe you've tried every over-the-counter product out, or are a regular fixture at your dermatologist's office and still your skin is not cooperating?  
If you have sensitive skin that is prone to irritation from harsh chemicals of acne products and still haven't found balance for your skin, maybe it's time to try organic oils?
Now, don't freak out over the word "oil"'s okay.  These organic oils are not like the baby oil you may have slathered on your body in attempts for a "killer" tan back in the 80's - eek! You will not go slip sliding away with these oils. I promise.  They absorb quickly into the skin and will not clog pores. 
Organic skin care oils are vegetable oils, pure and simple.  While they are essentially as edible as the olive oil in your pantry, certain oils are more lightweight, and appropriate for everyday skin care, than others.  
Here are a few that are great for everyday skin care:
Argan, Almond, Hazelnut, Rose Hip, Evening Primrose, Jojoba.
Balance for Acne Prone Skin - Hazelnut Oil
Of the list above, the best choice for acne prone skin is Hazelnut Oil, although everyone is different. Non-greasy and lightweight, Hazelnut Oil absorbs into the skin quickly and offers astringent and antibacterial properties which refine and tighten pores. Hazelnut oil controls excess sebum and acne. It is also effective in strenghtening capillaries, so it seems to reduce blotchiness.  The moisturizing properties of this oil also help to tone skin by maintaining elasticity.  
What's in a Nut?
You might love it in Nutella (Yum!)...but did you know that Hazelnuts are rich in omega-3, 6 & 9? And Hazelnut Oil also has 2-3 times more Vitamin E than Olive Oil.  That's great news for your skin, since we know that the antioxidant activity of Vitamin E & Essential Fatty Acids are vital in protecting skin cells from ultra violet light, pollution, drugs, and other cell damaging free radicals. Hazelnuts also contain high levels of flavanols responsible for reducing inflammation. Flavanols also have potential anti-aging effects, like slowing the process of wrinkling and protection from UV damage. 
Seek a Natural Balance
While using oils on acne prone skin still might seem counter-intuitive, it might be worth a try.  Remember, however, a little goes a long way with these oils.  All you need is 2-3 drops for your entire face and neck - less if you are targeting only certain areas.  Make sure your skin is clean and that you are using a high-quality, pure oil from a trusted source.  Some oils can be filled with cheaper, less potent and less appropriate skin care oils - this can upset the balance and reduce the benefits of the oil.  Organic is also always better.  Begin with application once a day - evening is usually good.  If your skin responds well, you might add morning application.  Or you might try one oil for morning and another for evening.  For Example, Rose Hip is an excellent morning oil, as it has brightening and moisturizing properties and works well about 15 mins before makeup application.  Argan, Hazelnut or Evening Primrose might be a good choice for evening depending upon your skin's needs. 
For more information on uses visit:

1 comment:

  1. If you remove represents and represents from your epidermis, then Argan oil is the most effective choice. By using consistent basis we can achieve sleek and clean epidermis.
